No, this is not going to be an article about serious addictions. No mention of heroin, alcohol, or other drugs in sight (well… besides that). We’re talking about the weird things that people can’t go a day without.

We asked New Jerseyans what strange, silly things they’re addicted to on the afternoon show on New Jersey 101.5, and the callers did NOT disappoint.

Here are some of the quirkier things some of us are addicted to in the Garden State.

New Jerseyans Strangest Addictions

Here are some of the things people in the Garden State can't live without, according to NJ101.5 listeners.

New and classic favorites: The best dive bars in New Jersey

The term "dive bar" used to be something derogatory. Nowadays it's more of a badge of honor to say to own one, go to one, or work at one.

We started in South Jersey, stopped A LOT in Central Jersey and ended in North Jersey. We left out the Jersey Shore bar because there are just too many to choose from. If your favorite isn't on the list, don't be offended, just tell us about it. Here we go...

Gallery Credit: Dennis Malloy

POP QUIZ: Can you guess these NJ theme parks from Google Earth images?

Gallery Credit: Dan Zarrow

Totally ’80s: The Pictures That Take You Back

Take a nostalgic journey through the '80s with these iconic photos—capturing the fashion, toys, and unforgettable news events that left a lasting impact on a generation. Keep scrolling to relive the moments that defined the decade.

Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz

The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5's Kylie Moore. Any opinions expressed are Kylie's own. You can follow Kylie on Instagram.
Click here to contact an editor about feedback or a correction for this story.

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