Murphy created the problem, now using your money to fix it (Opinion)
This latest scheme makes him look like a great guy doing great things for small businesses and potential employees. But it’s just another example of how government creates a problem, and it comes up with a solution with your money.
Back in early 2020, when Gov. Murphy shut the state down, people were willing to listen because we did not know what we were facing. It was apparent early on what we were facing was more of a danger from the government than the virus.
Murphy shut down businesses — mostly small businesses — and put a huge hurt on the already struggling New Jersey economy, which were struggling only because of an overburdening government and the regulations and taxes.
The nation's economy in states where people are free to do business was doing well. Many businesses closed their doors for good during the pandemic. Some who are smart enough, strong enough and experienced enough to weather the storm did very well.
His latest scheme is to give small businesses taxpayer money to hire new people. It’s true we need to hire new people, but you must let the free market work as it’s designed. Not a top-down government-controlled economy as is Murphy‘s idea and philosophy.
Even a fourth-grader can understand that Murphy’s administration caused these economic woes and is now using hard-earned taxpayer dollars to fix the problem government created.
Unfortunately, our state is populated with people who think like third-graders, including our media. Maybe next year they’ll smarten up when they get to the fourth-grade level.
Generally, the people only know what they’re told. Our media is lazy, complacent, and corrupt. They're corrupt because they don't report and investigate the issues with impartiality. They take the side they align with to create a narrative that helps their side. An overwhelming majority of media are Democrats and they want their side to win.
It seems they used to be able to put their partisan views aside, but that's no longer the case.
That’s only part of the problem. It’s up to each and every one of us to take responsibility in knowing what is going on and what the real issues and real problems are. It's typical of a big government administration and a top-down mentality of governing to cause a problem that the free market can solve and then try to solve it with your hard-earned tax money.
The next gubernatorial election is just over a month away. You know what to do, unless you're too busy trying to do your third-grade homework.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy. Any opinions expressed are Dennis Malloy's own.
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