Miss Christie’s personality? Watch Cuomo fight with reporter (Opinion)
These days in the Dirty Jerz with Gov. Phil Murphy, the Jerz isn’t so dirty. We hear expressions like ‘knuckleheads.’ Last year when Florence threatened the shore he offered the antithesis to Gov. Chris Christie’s famous “Get the hell off the beach!” line by meekly saying, “Please may I ask you to get off the beach, pretty please?”
Ugh. Where’s a face palm emoji when you need one?
Christie on the other hand was filled with the kind of Jersey swagger that is the stuff of movies. Remember when he called Assemblyman Reed Gusciora “Numb nuts?” Do you remember him telling reporters to “take the bat out” on Sen. Loretta Weinberg for once?
If you miss the more fiery exchanges we had between Christie and other politicians or between Christie and reporters, or, hell, between Christie and ANYBODY, you might want to watch this video.
Yep, that’s New York Gov. Cuomo in a nasty exchange with a reporter who is just doing his job. (Oh you Democrats thought only Trump spoke this way?) It was quite a day Wednesday for Andrew Cuomo in an on-camera fight with reporters as he claimed New York City schools would not be closing down. Only problem was minutes later Mayor Bill DeBlasio announced schools there would indeed be closing down.
Regardless of him being wrong, and no he didn’t need to be so dismissive of the reporters on hand, wasn’t there still something a bit exciting about seeing a governor in our area be able to mix it up a little?
But pretty please, let’s not call Murphy a knucklehead for being so gosh golly polite. That might just cause us to go to H-E- double hockey stick after all.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski. Any opinions expressed are Jeff Deminski's own.
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