I’ve always wanted to be a juror but woke culture gives me doubts (Opinion)
There was a story in the news this morning about a juror who was charged with criminal contempt and fined more than $11,000 for doing research online about the case and sharing with fellow jurors.
Here's what the judge had to say according to a report in the Daily Voice:
"Jurors in the trial 'were instructed repeatedly, both in writing and verbally, not to conduct any research about the case, including through use of the Internet,' Acting U.S. Attorney Rachael A. Honig said.
However, Juror Number 7, as he was identified, 'conducted Internet research into evidence in the case' during a recess and then shared his findings with the other jurors during deliberations, causing a mistrial,” Honig said."
Got me thinking that the juror should be commended for doing additional research. I'd like to think that if I were on trial, the jury would be fully informed.
Can you really count on every lawyer to be the best? Can you guarantee that all the relevant facts will surface during a trial?
As you know for many, many years I tried unsuccessfully to serve on a jury. Got as far as the courtroom a few times. Still nothing. But now, I'm done. No desire to serve on a jury in this woke culture we have.
Not so sure I trust the system as I did before government showed that there is literally no regard for the Constitution. Liberty went out the window for fear of a cold virus.
Regardless of facts, you can't convince someone who has bought into the culture of the mask and vaccines. Despite even the latest factual information, 53,000+ unvaccinated people catching the new COVID strain "Delta" with only 44 deaths.
Yet, we still have senior government officials clamoring for the potential of new lockdowns, masks and shaming of those of us who chose to avoid the experimental jab.
The system is broken right now. Beyond the absurdity of pandemic management, there's the culture that disparages patriots and those who stand up for law enforcement and anyone who questions the woke culture of today.
Racism seems to color nearly all conversations about the justice system. What about the white juror on a case with a black defendant? Would there be any way to avoid the question of race? Or a person who believes that biological boys should not be playing girls sports at the trial of a transgender defendant? Would there be anyway to avoid being labeled a bigot, or on the other side, the accusation of pandering to popular culture?
Do you trust the system enough that your name won't get out? Would you risk being honest if there was a potential to pay the price from the lawless mobs of Antifa and some of the radical activists who seem to run unchecked in our cities? I'm genuinely torn.
What about you? Download the free NJ1015 app and subscribe to the "Bill Spadea Channel" and send me a note.
Are you in or out for jury duty?
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Spadea. Any opinions expressed are Bill's own. Bill Spadea is on the air weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m., talkin’ Jersey, taking your calls at 1-800-283-1015.