Is there a Central Jersey? Gov. Murphy draws the lines
🔴 Does Central Jersey exist?
🔴 Gov. Murphy signed a bill ending the age-old debate
🔴 The designated areas will be promoted by the State Division of Travel and Tourism
Yes, there is a Central Jersey. No, there is not a Central Jersey. Well, which is it?
Settle down, folks, because Gov. Phil Murphy has settled the age-old Central Jersey debate.
Today, the governor signed a bill to promote Central Jersey tourism. The bill requires the Division of Travel and Tourism, within the Department of State, to re-draw the state tourism map to create a “Central Jersey” region and incorporate it in all regional marketing campaigns, including publications and on VisitNJ.org.
According to the bill, the “Central Jersey” region will be comprised of, at minimum, the counties of Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, and Somerset.
“Today, we settle the decades-old debate once and for all: Central Jersey exists,” Gov. Murphy said.
“The region has a rich history dating back to the American Revolution, with a legacy graced by historical figures like George Washington. And today, Central Jersey is home to some of the nation’s leading public universities and host to beautiful agricultural landscapes and activities for tourists to immerse themselves in. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to host these wonders with the world,” Murphy added.
New Jersey Secretary of State Tahesha Way said the Murphy administration is looking forward to working with the Division of Travel and Tourism to highlight this important region for residents and visitors alike.
“This legislation is an investment in the future of Central Jersey communities and will strengthen the region’s ability to draw new and returning guests,” she said.
The bill, sponsored by Senator Andrew Zwicker and Assemblyman Roy Freiman, will take effect 90 days after enactment.
“After 235 years since the founding of our great state, Central Jersey is finally on the map. While the very existence of the middle of our state has long been the subject of debate, we are long overdue in designating Central Jersey as the hub of tourism, innovation, and history that it is,” Zwicker said.
This law will promote travel to quaint towns and villages, scenic walking sites, harvest festivals, breweries, and more Revolutionary War sites than ever, he added.
It is important to promote Central Jersey as both a journey and a destination, said Senator Bob Smith. Bill co-sponsor Assemblyman Roy Freiman agreed saying Central Jersey, the heart of the state, home to the State capitol and historic sites, has not received the real attention it deserves.
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