Hunterdon dog hoarder is award-winning breeder, reports say
KINGSWOOD — More than 170 dogs rescued Tuesday from the property of a well-known breeder continue to be examined and treated for medical conditions.
Hunterdon County Acting Prosecutor Michael J. Williams has said the dogs, mostly Jack Russell terriers and other small breeds, were removed from several buildings on a property in Kingwood.
Authorities are considering animal cruelty charges but the breeder has not been arrested or publicly identified. A spokesman for Williams' office on Thursday declined to release more information.
NBC 4 New York, citing unnamed law enforcement sources, said the dogs were rescued from a "prominent breeder whose dogs have won Best in Breed awards from the Westminster Kennel Club."
Kennel Club spokeswoman Gail Miller Bisher declined to identify the breeder.
“Supporting and promoting responsible dog breeding and ownership has been a key core value of the Westminster Kennel Club for over 140 years. We are saddened to learn of this unfortunate situation and are grateful for the care being provided to the affected dogs," Bisher said in an email.
Teams from the Middlesex County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and St. Hubert's Animal Welfare Center removed the dogs on Tuesday and brought them to their respective shelters. MCSPA Executive Director Ross Licitra said 20 dogs were found dead.
The SPCA said their team "has been working tirelessly for the past 48 hours getting all of these dogs medically assessed meaning blood work, vaccinations, microchips, ear cleaning, flea/tick preventative, nail trims, de-matting, bathing and more. Many of these dogs will need additional surgeries after their spay/neuter."
Both St. Hubert's and the MCSPCA are accepting donations for the care of the dogs.
Williams asked anyone with information about the dogs to call Crime Stoppers at 800-321-0010.
Contact reporter Dan Alexander at Dan.Alexander@townsquaremedia.com or via Twitter @DanAlexanderNJ
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