Governor Murphy’s disapproval rating is rising
A new Monmouth University poll shows that while Governor Murphy’s approval rating is pretty much the same, his disapproval rating is on the way up. Two groups of people were asked to rate the governor: the general population and registered voters.
Among the general population, 43 percent approve of the job the governor is doing, while 40 percent disapprove. In April, the disapproval rating was 28 percent, meaning he lost a lot of the “don’t knows" to the disapproval column. Among registered voters, 42 percent approve and 43 percent disapprove. Among Democrats, his approval rating is 66%, but 25% have no opinion. Republicans disapprove to the rate of 85%. His popularity among political independents declined since April, 2018, his disapproval rating increased from 33% to 43%. The poll shows that Governor Murphy’s approval rating is lower than his two immediate predecessors, but is higher that of Jim McGreevey’s in 2003.
More New Jerseyans believe that Governor Murphy is more concerned with his own political future (46%) than he is with governing the state (33%). When asked to name the biggest issue facing New Jersey, not surprisingly, people named property taxes with 45% naming that, far ahead of any other issue.
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