Elizabeth ICE protester, ‘we can’t keep doing what we’re doing’
In my opinion, the biggest atrocity in the world was the Holocaust and to hear people compare it to what's going on at the ICE detention camps I find offensive.
Last June 30 about 200 protesters calling themselves "Never Again Action," which describes itself as a “mass mobilization calling for Jews to shut down ICE and hold the political establishment accountable," protested outside a detention center in Elizabeth. 36 people were arrested that day. One of the protesters, Sagie Tvister called me show and we did something that our leaders can't seem to grasp the concept of. We actually had a conversation and came to some points that we can agree on and some that we do not. Afterwards, he tweeted me @realstevetrev.
Let's keep in mind before we lay this all at the feet of President Trump, that legislation begins with congress and they have kicked this can down the road since the Clinton administration. Perhaps if they had actually done their job and come up with a comprehensive immigration plan, we wouldn't be in this mess, just sayin...
We put out a twitter poll which 81 percent thought the comparison was over the line. Here's what some of my followers were posting
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