William Shatner on space, Leonard Nimoy, Denny Crane and overwhelming negative thought
William Shatner has not only boldly gone where no man has gone before, but actually went up into space at the age of 90. He also still rides horses, will perform his album "Bill" with a 70 piece orchestra at the Kennedy Center and will be coming to the Philadelphia Fan Festival April 8 and 9.
He was a guest on my New Jersey 101.5 show you can listen On-Demand starting at 1:32:00
He talks about how he sees what's going on in the world, and wants to help:
"My overwhelming negative thought is I don't want to leave this. This is too good. The problems of the earth that we see in front of us, global warming, the death and destruction in Ukraine, I want to help as much as I can there. I can certainly help on global warming I've been studying it for 55 years, I've been trying to preach the word. I went up into space and saw it even more clearly because it's one thing to say you should have toast and jam, it's another thing to eat the toast and jam"
Shatner traveled into space on Jeff Bezos Blue Origin New Shepherd Oct 13, 2021:
"So there I was up in space looking at this frail planet and realizing how frail it is and how close to extinction we've become and bring that message," says Shatner.
"There's a glory in that knowledge. Listen, everybody, we're going to eradicate the Earth unless we do something about it (global warming) There's a certain passion about it which is good to have. We all should have that passion and I feel it emphatically."
Shatner played "Denny Crane" on Boston Legal:
"I had breakfast with David E. Kelly and he starts telling me about the role that he's written and he says the character may be a little senile and I said I can do that and everybody laughed. But way in the back of my mind at a certain point where you start forgetting where the keys are and you think my God am I losing it, then you can't remember a name"
Shatner told of an experience he had with vertigo and thought this is what it must be like:
"So aspects of that I tried to introduce into this guy who once was so good like an actor who was brilliant. You know Laurence Olivier said in print, I didn't act for five years because I was on stage and couldn't remember the next words. They call it going dry. It frightened me so he said that I couldn't go back on stage for the next 5 years. I think that's what it must be like to be a lawyer and talking to a jury and trying to convince them of something and then suddenly lose it and not know where you are or what you're doing. I felt that and that's what I brought to the character and that's what I played."
Does Shatner keep in touch with James Spader who played Alan Shore in the series?
"I love Spader," says Shatner. "He's one of the great guys. The irony is and I know he cared for me and we hugged each other on the last day and said goodbye and I'll call you for lunch and I've not seen him since. He's been busy, I've been busy we've not talked, on his birthday which I have on my calendar thing and I send him a note but I've not seen him and that's really the nature of show business, you have these intimate relationships and then the shows over and everybody gets busy and away you go."
Shatner on Leonard Nimoy:
"Leonard Nimoy was one of the great guys. Hammered by fate into being a solid citizen and a great friend and a passionate guy about all kinds of things. He was a wonderful photographer, what I didn't know until much later is that he studied photography as a young man in school and then he had the opportunity because of his name and he had the money to start taking pictures of what he liked and he had many exhibits, many of which I went to."
"I've got a book coming out in the fall called 'Go Boldly' and I talk about how everything is intertwined. So here is Leonard Nimoy, we were born four days apart, he in Boston and me in Montreal, very similar cities, same kinds of parents, same kinds of upbringing, worked hard to get where he was, no sudden flash, now you're a star. It took years to get to where he was," says Shatner.
"He was a wonderful actor," says Shatner. "And as we became friends and were forced in each other's company either because we were acting together or having dinners together and we'd talk about our children and divorce and death all of which happened during this long 50 year period of friendship and when he died it was a great loss."
To see William Shatner at the Philadelphia Fan Festival April 8 and 9 click here.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise only. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.
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