Does NJ’s Great Adventure need barf bags for their coasters?
Now this may seem like a strange question, but does Six Flags Great Adventure need to hand out barf bags for their roller coasters? Because apparently that could be a selling point for roller coaster enthusiasts.
I offer you Exhibit A: an article in the New York Post detailing how barf bags are being handed out for Disney World’s new roller coaster Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind. It’s said to be state-of-the-art with a 360° rotation and a reverse launch which is a roller coaster first. It’s also making riders so sick to their stomachs that workers are giving out barf bags to people as they get off the ride.
On behalf of the person who might be barfed on could they think about maybe handing those out at the beginning of the ride? But I digress.
While some have complained, the ride is drawing huge crowds, so obviously it’s a hit. And this is just one of the many ways I don’t belong on planet Earth. Roller coasters scare the crap out of me to the point I would actually call it a phobia. It’s downright embarrassing I tell ya! And I’ve gone skydiving and even did a ride-along flight with the acrobatic Navy flying team the Blue Angels, barrel rolls and all. Total “Top Gun” stuff.
So why do these bother me so much? I have no idea but to me, the rest of the world is filled with daredevils. If you’re getting on Kingda Ka or The Jersey Devil without a barf bag I’m in total awe of you. Because I would need one in my car just on the way there I’d be so panicked.
I could almost guarantee if Great Adventure took Disney’s lead and started handing out barf bags, once word got out it would eventually draw even bigger crowds. I’ll stick with Maverik and the Iceman thank you very much.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.
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