Craig Allen’s ‘Christmas Birthday, Birthday Christmas’
"This was going to be for your birthday...but we didn't have enough Christmas presents for you...so...NOW, its for Christmas."
Those were tough words for a small child. And, yes, my parents (and grandparents, etc) kept a strict gift count. Figures, right?
And...why is it that everyone gets to open gifts on MY birthday, but I don't get to open any gifts on THEIR special day?
This is a question that every kid with a "Christmas Birthday" eventually gets to.
I was no exception.
I believe that it was around my 8th or 9th birthday that my parents came up with a temporary solution: the "HALF birthday."
On June 25th that year, I was given a present (a typewriter...MANUAL), and a cake.
And, the day was all mine!
I tried (really hard) to forget that my father had just had a "birthday party" 5 days before.
Fast Forward...to NOW:
Like fellow Christmas Birthday friends (Happy Birthday to Christine and Jill)...
...I've gotten over it.
I have....REALLY.
And, I certainly don't tack a "half" onto the total birthdays that I've..."experienced."
In truth, I'm in age-denial.
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