The Simpsons took another shot at Governor Chris Christie and his weight on Sunday's episode.

Governor Christie on "The Simpsons"
"Chris Christie"on the Simpsons (YouTube)

The Fox show centered on Lisa Simpson, a liberal, and her run for second-grade class representative against Isabel Gutierrez, a conservative voiced by guest Eva Longoria.

The Springfield Republican Club, whose members include Mr.Burns, Ned Flanders, Krusty the Clown and Rainier Wolfcastle, a musclebound movie actor with an accent not unlike Arnold Schwarzenegger, see Gutierrez as the future of the party

Ironically, Longoria in real life is a Democrat who supported Cory Booker in his run for U.S. Senate.

During the episode, Wolfcastle tells the club, "we must reach her and groom her before she fattens up like Chris Christie. He thinks GOP stands for 'gravy on pancakes.'"

The governor was mocked on a 2012 episode of the long running animated series when Homer Simpson and Mr. Burns were reviewing presidential candidates. Homer can't make up his mind and asks,  “can’t we get Chris Christie to run?” Burns replies, “I don’t think so,” and points to Christie who is starts to choke on his meal, blurting out "Save me Obamacare."

Listen to the Simpsons comment on Chris Christie's weight


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