Careful who you trust. Jim Florentine explains ‘Hollywood tweeting’
Athletes and celebrities are all about advancing their brands. Once upon a time, they did not weigh in on topics like politics for fear of alienating fans. Today it's all changed and many can't wait to weigh in with their beliefs on politics and what's going on in the world.
But is it really their beliefs or are they really using their social media for career gain?
It's called "Hollywood Tweeting."
I saw Jim Florentine speak about this one night when he was a guest on Fox News Channel's "Gutfeld!" and I asked him to expand on it when he called into my New Jersey 101.5 show to promote his and Don Jamieson's No. 1 comedy album "Terrorizing Telemarketers 7."
"Basically anyone that wants to be in the business, be in Hollywood, they watch what like someone big in Hollywood, like a Judd Apatow tweets about politics," says Florentine.
"So anyone that wants to be in the comedy business or the movie business sees that tweet and they go 'OK, let me put something out there similar to what he said.'"
"So if I'm ever gonna get hired for a role in Hollywood, they'll go look at my Twitter feed to see and they go oh, 'OK, he's one of us.' They don't really mean it. They're just following the Hollywood playbook is what it is."
Florentine continues: "because if you have any different views, you have any conservative views on there, you're not gonna get hired. So they just go OK, this is what I gotta say, alright, let me just change a little bit, or I'll just retweet his things ... They don't care about anything. Actors are dumb. They don't know."
And if the Hollywood political climate changed?
"If tomorrow the biggest person in Hollywood became a Republican, and then it was cool to be Republican, they'd all be Republicans. They'd switch in two seconds. Not even think about it, they'd have the exact opposite view of what they have right now."
Be careful which celebrity you trust.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise only. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.
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