Burlington Toys for Tots desperate for donations
The havoc wreaked by the pandemic keeps spreading, this time to charitable donations. According to a report on Fox 29 Philadelphia, Toys for Tots of Burlington County is hurting for toys this year because of a pandemic double whammy. First, the need for donations is greater because of people losing their jobs and second, the number of items has fallen because many of the businesses that typically collect toys were unable to do so. In addition to the COIVID related setbacks, the organization lost about $5,000 worth of toys when a shipping container flooded.
According to News 12 New Jersey, last year the Burlington County Toys for Tots delivered gifts to about 20,000 children but it looks like they’ll fall short of being able to help that many this year; coordinator Gina Capate told News 12, “I would probably say I’m at 16,000 kids. I probably have enough to do maybe 10,000 and that’s pushing it, and that’s using every last game, every last Hot Wheels car that we have, that we normally consider our stocking stuffers.” Capate says the need is greatest for toys suitable for 0-2 year olds and 9-12 year olds, adding, ““This year is probably, out of the 19 years I’ve been doing it, the hardest I’ve ever seen.”
The waitlist is growing with needy children hoping for a present under the tree this year; if you can help, here is the Toys for Tots of Burlington County’s website. Donations can be dropped off at their warehouse at 105 Gaither Drive, Mount Laurel, NJ and checks can be sent to Toys for Tots Burlington County, PO 324, Maple Shade, NJ 08052.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Doyle. Any opinions expressed are Bill Doyle's own.