Carfit is a program sponsored by the AAA Auto Club, AARP and the American Occupational Therapy Association to teach drivers age 50 and older about car safety and being comfortable while operating their vehicle.

Robert Sinclair of AAA/Northeast explains why Carfit is important.

"The driver must be at the right height and the right distance from the steering wheel for that airbag and the steering wheel to function right. They have to be at the right height to be able to see over the steering wheel rather than through it. To make sure that the mirrors are adjusted properly so that they can see around them. That the seat is the right distance from the pedals so that they can be worked properly and that the person can reach the steering wheel easily for proper control."

Recent AAA research finds older drivers are more distracted while trying to use vehicle information or entertainment systems. On average, older drivers ages 55 to 75 removed their eyes and attention from the road more than 8 seconds longer than younger drivers when performing simple tasks like programming navigation or tuning a radio.

Sinclair says Carfit's goal is "to make sure that they are placed in that vehicle and as safe as possible."

There are Carfit events in several New Jersey locations. You can go to, to find an event near you.

Joe Cutter is the afternoon news anchor on New Jersey 101.5

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