7 reasons NJ Gov. Christie would be a better president than Trump (Opinion)
According to a story from NJ Advance Media, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie will be announcing he’s running for president within two weeks.
With low poll numbers, it will be regarded by many as a joke. I don’t know if he’ll mount an effective campaign this time compared to 2016 when he dropped out of the race after placing 6th in New Hampshire. But I do know this.
He would be a far better president than Donald Trump.
Now I know, I know. This already has some apoplectic and reaching for their MAGA caps. You’re allowed your opinion.
Here’s mine.
7 reasons Chris Christie would make a better president than Donald Trump
1. He's Trump with integrity
If America liked the brash entertainment factor of a guy who tells it like it is like Trump but would like to see government actually function at the same time, you’ll have that in Christie.
He has all the bravado and acid tongue of Trump but with an earned integrity Trump never will. As far as getting to the presidency the first step is winning a primary.
Where all the other GOP candidates are tiptoeing around and scared to death of Trump’s mouth, Christie can go right at him like a pit bull but with the intelligence Trump lacks.
2. He can unite the country Trump divided
I truly believe this. I believe Christie is capable of this. The GOP lost all its integrity and backbone and members were just scared to death like wimps that big bad Donald would insult them next.
Meanwhile, the Democrats let themselves get so increasingly progressive that neither party is recognizable anymore. And we became so divided as a people that many believe a civil war is likely.
Trump is vindictive. If he’s president again he will do nothing to try to reach across the aisle and heal the nation. Whereas Christie made a habit of it. At his State of the State addresses, he used to wear a purple tie for the symbolism of blue and red mixing together. He worked with Steve Sweeney on major initiatives. He knew how the sausage got made.
And if you’re going to say this moderate Republican isn’t conservative enough, keep in mind Trump used to be a Democrat. Christie never was. Trump just used the party as a vehicle to gain power for one person and one person only.
3. Christie wouldn’t try stealing an election
Speaking of power, Trump tried to steal it. He pushed a false narrative about the 2020 election being stolen from him with no credible evidence when in fact it was he who was trying to steal it.
Conservative Republican federal judges that Trump himself appointed dismissed his false claims. When Christie saw what Trump was trying to do, he had the guts few in the GOP had and spoke out against him. That’s called putting country above self and above party. That’s called integrity.
4. A true grasp of and respect for the law
This is something Trump has never had. This charlatan with so many failed businesses who refused to pay hard-working small businesses the money he owed was notorious for overusing the civil justice system like a bully.
A guy who was impeached twice, investigated countless times, criminally charged with business fraud and found guilty in a civil court of sexual assault has no respect for the law.
Christie? A federal prosecutor. One who attacked political corruption. In his seven years in that role, he achieved guilty pleas or convictions in cases involving more than 130 elected and appointed officials. He respects the law.
5. True leadership
While Trump's frequent tantrums led to the famous Baby Trump balloon being flown all around the globe, Christie has a track record of showing true leadership. His handling of Superstorm Sandy is the stuff of legend.
The one moment I will always think about when I think of Chris Christie is in the aftermath of Sandy when cameras caught him being stopped by a destitute family. The mom and dad of a young girl pulled him aside and told him how they'd lost everything, literally everything, and that their little girl was so frightened without her home.
Christie got down on the girl's level and talked in such a personal, genuine way to her. He asked if she was scared. Validated her feelings. Then told her that what she lost wasn't really her home. That her home was her mom and her dad. That they would take care of her wherever that was, and that she didn't lose her home. Her home was the two of them standing right there, and those other things were just stuff.
It was one of the most inspiring things I ever saw a politician do and it was completely sincere.
6. Humility
For as brash and confident as Chris Christie can be, he can also be a man of some humility. Once while being interviewed by Chris Cuomo he said leaders have lost the ability to admit, ‘I made a mistake.’ Can you really ever do better if you never admit to your mistakes? Do you truly deserve people’s trust if you can’t do that?
Can you ever imagine Donald Trump admit to not being perfect?
7. Experience
He earned a law degree. He served on the Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders. He served as U.S. attorney for the District of New Jersey. He served as governor of New Jersey for eight years having been twice elected. He was the chairman of the Opiod and Drug Abuse Commission and was the chairman of the Republican Governors Association.
Trump was given $100 million dollars by his rich father to start him off in life and failed with Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines, GoTrump, Trump Vodka and several other businesses. Trump served as a one-term president and was twice impeached.
You do the math.
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Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.
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