Your kids are not your kids in New Jersey (Opinion)
The New Jersey Legislature is looking to take more of your parental rights from you. Apparently they rushed an Assembly committee vote today, Jan. 6, on bill A3926.
Parents have been frantically emailing us here at the station to try to get the word out to most parents who aren't aware of the apparent rushed vote, or about the bill itself — which would require public schools to administer written screenings for depression in grades seven through 12.
The bill as written only requires the school district to notify parents if a screening finds signs of depression — but we're hearing from many parents worried it's not a reach for the school to start requiring children to be prescribed medication.
The bill would still need to be passed by the full Assembly and the state Senate, then signed by Gov. Phil Murphy to become law.
When the NJ Legislature tried to sneak a vote through on the elimination of religious exemptions for childhood vaccinations just before the holiday, thousands of parents showed up at the statehouse in protest. The vote was delayed, but state Senate President Steve Sweeney said he doesn't care how loud people shout — this vote will go through.
The Senate is meeting again this Thursday and plan a vote again on Monday, Jan. 13. After sufficient arm-twisting and promises of campaign funding, he's hoping to get the votes he needs to shove this down your throat. More parents are planning on showing up in Trenton again this week and next to try and stop them from taking away their rights to protect their children.
This video has been circulating trying to shed light on some of the players in NJ politics and their background. Not sure of the authenticity of the "news" outlet but the information is worth a look. We'll no doubt be talking about this on the air this week and give you a chance to hear peoples' concerns and voice yours.
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