Who said it: Batman villain or New Jersey politician?
Critics be damned, "Batman versus Superman: Dawn of Justice" is poised for a record breaking weekend at the box office in the Garden State and around the globe.
For whatever reason, it crossed my mind that you could take some lines from the world of Gotham and Metropolis and easily pass them off as "Trenton speak." See if you can tell the difference between Hollywood fiction and Jersey reality!
“The old ways of doing business have not served the people well.”
This line was delivered by Gov. Chris Christie in a 2010 budget address.
“Your power is useless.”
That line's chalked up to Batman villain, Clayface.
“I stand before you as a changed man.”
That line was part of Gov. Jim McGreevey's 2004 'farewell' speech, nearly three months after announcing his resignation.
"More will be hurt in the days ahead.”
That dire warning was uttered by Gov. Jon Corzine during the 2006 government shutdown.
“Criminals thrive on the indulgence of society's understanding."
(SPOILER for this one!) This thoughtful social commentary is courtesy of Batman mentor-turned-villain Ra's Al Ghul.
“Now is not the time for fear... that comes later.”
That's a line from Batman villain Bane, as seen in "The Dark Knight Rises."
“Don’t feel badly for me, I’ve changed people’s lives.”
That was a reassurance from Sen. Robert Torricelli in 2002, as he quit his re-election bid.
"They're schemers... trying to control their little worlds.”
Just in case you need confirmation: That line is from The Joker in "The Dark Knight."
Erin Vogt is a lifelong Jersey Girl, whose first reporting gig involved her Fisher Price tape recorder. As a wife and momma of two kiddies, she firmly believes that life’s too short to drink bad coffee. A fan of the beach, Dave Grohl and karma, in no particular order.
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