Whitney Houston Hologram Tour the ‘light’ of the future (Opinion)
I can't believe it's been eight years since we lost Whitney Houston. I remember being on the air that night and taking four hours of calls from Jersey people expressing their sorrow. Now comes more sorrow from people over a planned Whitney Houston Hologram Tour which begins Feb 25 in the UK. The problem according to social media is with the hologram itself which many say looks scary.
I was skeptical of hologram shows until I saw the Roy Orbison Buddy Holly hologram show at the Scottish Rite Auditorium last year. Both holograms were really well done and lifelike playing with the band on one side and the backup singers on the other. The key though is how they did it, rehearsing a body double with the band and then using computer technology for the facial features. After a few minutes, you forgot about that they were holograms and just enjoyed the show.
But the key is the hologram itself. If people are fixated on how it looks or acts, the show will be lost. It wouldn't be the right thing to do to honor Houston's memory, nor would it be fair to her fans.
Granted, there were times when at the end of songs both Holly and Orbison would deliver a wooden "Thank You," but other than that they were pretty much on target, both with the appearance and stage presence. The technology will get better and I wouldn't be surprised if one day soon, as the baby boomer bands age out that you see more hologram shows with the figures talking to the audience the way you remember.
Imagine a Lynyrd Skynyrd hologram asking, "what song is it you want to hear?" I can see the Rock 'n' Roll Hall Of Fame, or Disney World jumping on something like this with shows of different legends all day. Long Live Rock!

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