U. Of Texas Orders Evacuation, Cites ‘Threats’
The University of Texas has issued an alert on its website ordering an evacuation "due to threats on campus."
The alert posted shortly before 10 a.m. Friday says people on campus should immediately evacuate all buildings and "get as far away as possible."
NBC News reports the thereat came is al-Qaeda related.
University of Texas spokeswoman Rhonda Weldon said the university received a call about 8:35 a.m. from a man with a Middle Eastern accent claiming to be with al-Qaida. The man said he had placed bombs all over the campus that would go off in 90 minutes.
All buildings were evacuated at 9:50 a.m. as a precaution, Weldon said.
She says no bombs have been found.
By 10:30 a.m., the university issued another advisory saying that buildings were still being checked and that no decision had been made on whether the campus would reopen for afternoon classes.
Ashley Moran, a freshman from Houston, said she was waiting to get into class when word quickly began spreading among students to leave immediately. She described the evacuation as "orderly but tense."
"It makes me really nervous I just know we're supposed to get out," she said.
North Dakota State University in Fargo, N.D., also ordered a campus evacuation after a bomb threat Friday morning. But it was unclear whether the two threats were related.
(The Associated Press Contributed to this Report)