Being the full service New Jersey station that we are, complete with our own meteorologist...I like to think I have a clue as to what the weather is going to be like over a given period of time.

Ah.....hah! Not so fast! Along comes my mother-in-law, she who knows all and sees all, and somehow get her weather reports from a celestial being that reports only to her. I say: "Ma, this should all be over by tomorrow, and then it's gonna be a nice day." She'll then say:
"Oh no, but I heard.....(insert forecast of gloom and doom here, always contradicting you!).

In fairness, I shouldn't put this solely on my mother-in-law. I've seen this from most of the older relatives in my life. I have a couple of aunts that have said pretty much the same thing....("I heard blah, blah, and oh yes, blah!").

But the best was my sainted grandmother, who would lie her knees. She would tell me, in her inimitable Neapolitan, that if her knees hurt, rain was in the forecast.

And sure enough, it would rain....or hail, or meteors would come crashing down.

Who needs "AMS" certification when you got grandma....or for that mother-in-law!

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