The guy who looks like an awkward tool will get the job done for NJ (Opinion)
The congressman in our district is Andy Kim.
I live in the 3rd Congressional District in Burlington County where Andy Kim defeated former Congressman Tom MacArthur during the Democratic mid-term backlash against Donald Trump.
So, Andy's been in there for two terms. He went to the same elementary school as my kids did in the neighborhood where I raised my family.
His television commercials show a very compassionate family man who seems very nice and very measured in his behavior.
On the other hand, his opponent Bob Healey comes off as awkward and like a bit of a tool. He's a nice-looking man who came off like a boy scout in his ads in the primary back in the spring. His ads now try and make him look tough and like a real fighter.
It's an odd campaign and he may not be the best candidate to put out there to defeat Congressman Kim.
So, if you're judging based on feeling, Andy Kim comes off much better than Mr. Healey.
If you're basing your vote on who will cast their vote for the things you believe in, for me, it's Bob Healey. Just like I never liked Donald Trump's personality but his policies align with how I think the government should be run.
Elections have become more of a popularity contest driven by emotion based on the personality of the candidate or a single issue some voters are passionate about.
If I was voting for a brother-in-law, a next-door neighbor or a co-worker, I would probably choose Andy Kim. He seems like the easier guy to get along with.
But I'm voting for a congressman. Someone who will be representing what I believe the government should do with my money, my liberty, my future and the future of my grandchildren.
The guy who seems like an awkward tool on TV commercials will vote in Congress the way I like.
Andy Kim is a career big government bureaucrat whose every solution to every problem is more government.
We have waaaaayyyy too many of them in government already.
So, you shouldn't vote on likability or if a candidate feels the same way on a single issue as you but has no real way of making a difference on that issue.
Learn how your government works, ignore the bull**** ads, see if their ideas align with yours on the functions of government and then vote.
If you don't have the time or energy for that, don't vote. Please!
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy only.
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