The IRS has cautioned that federal tax refunds might take longer than usual this year, but the state Treasury Department says things here are on schedule.
State Senate committee advances a package of consumer protections, including limits on tax refund anticipation checks that purport to be free but aren't.
By now, most people have heard of so-called ‘quickie tax refund loans.’ New Jersey’s top law enforcement official is warning Garden State residents to be smart when filing your tax returns. These ultra-fast refund shops could actually cut deeply into federal refunds.
Close to 60 percent of Americans will have filed their tax returns by the end of this month, according to the National Retail Federation's 2013 Tax Returns Survey.
It's that time of year, mid-April, the season of baseball, apple pie, and yes, taxes. . I'm sure you're aware that this Tuesday is the deadline for filing your taxes.