He stood 6’ 10” and weighed close to 400 lbs. He had long blonde hair and a closely cropped beard that surrounded his huge head. His hands were as big as catcher mitts...
Gawker.com, the brash New York website that broke new ground with its gossipy, no-holds-barred coverage of media, culture and politics, is shutting down after nearly 14 years, brought low by an unhappy, but deep-pocketed, subject.
Gawker Media has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, about three months after pro wrestler Hulk Hogan won a $140 million lawsuit against the online gossip and news publisher.
Hulk Hogan's courtroom cage match with Gawker has apparently been bankrolled by a high-tech billionaire with a grudge against the news-and-gossip site.
Former pro wrestler Hulk Hogan has sued Gawker again, saying the gossip website leaked sealed court documents with a transcript that quoted him making racist remarks.
The six jurors who sided with Hulk Hogan in his lawsuit over the publication of a sex tape said they believe the ex-pro wrestler was emotionally distressed over it.
Hulk Hogan's $140 million courtroom victory against Gawker for posting a sex tape of the former pro wrestler was many things, including a lurid inside look at the business of celebrity gossip and a dispute over what constitutes newsworthiness.
Moments after a Florida jury hit Gawker Media and its founder with $25 million in punitive damages for publishing a sex tape of Hulk Hogan, the former pro wrestler told a gaggle of reporters that he and his legal team "made history."