Proposed constitutional amendments call for awarding presidential electoral votes by congressional district and creating smaller state Assembly districts.
New Jersey's school construction program has money to complete 11 existing projects by 2025, but nothing more. Reauthorization talks seem to have stalled.
The change to a mutual holding company could culminate decades of conversation about how to position New Jersey's largest health insurer for the future.
Individuals with varying levels of disabilities could struggle immensely navigating websites that able-bodied residents use routinely with no issues at all.
Turnout was the second-lowest on record, but the 1.6 million voters marked a nearly 39% increase from 2015, the last time state legislative races headlined.
The price to park in Newark and other cities in New Jersey could be raised to help improve pedestrian access to mass transit, under a bill advanced Thursday.
After 38 hours of hearings, a legislative oversight panel still can't answer a basic question: Who approved hiring an official who'd been accused of rape?