Spadea: We can stop the gas tax, here’s who you need to call NOW
On Wednesday because NJ residents rose up and pushed back, we were able to defeat the proposed gas tax. On Friday, the legislature is going to take up the issue again, insisting on giving you the largest tax hike since the days of Jim Florio to the tune of $1.3 BILLION. The only way to stop it, is to call your legislators and tell them #NOGASTAX and if they vote yes, make sure they know, we will #RememberInNovember!
Sweeney’s bowing out from the gubernatorial race as you all barrage legislators with calls. You let him you know that he was damaged goods and he took your words to heart.
The numbers are EXTREMELY close for votes right now. To defeat it once again, we need another 4-5 votes. There's still time to call those legislators and tell them you don't want this tax!
As discussed on the show this morning, here’s who to target:
Senator Joe Kyrillos - 732- 671-3206
Seantor Dawn Addiego - 609-847-3600 or Tweet @8thDistrictLeg or through her Facebook page
Senator Bob Singer - 732-987-5669
Senator Shirley Turner- 609-323-7239
Senator Jim Whelan 609-383-1388
If you want to know who your local legislator is, here’s an easy way to find who they are and contact them. Click here, then find your town and click on that and as Jeff Deminski pointed out, it only takes a couple of clicks and a phone call to take care of.
AS always, here are other state legislators who you can call as well to express your displeasure for the proposed gas tax hike.
State Sen. President Steve Sweeney (Democrat)
• Senate Majority Office — 609-847-3700
• West Deptford office – 856-251-9801
• Salem office – 856-339-080
• Senate President Sweeney’s Twitter @NJSenatePres
• Senate President Sweeney on Facebook
State Sen. Steve Oroho (Republican)
• Allamuchy office: 908-441-6343. Hit 1, 0 and #, and you’ll get to a person.
• Sparta office: 973-300-0200
• Oroho on Twitter @StevenOroho
• Oroho on Facebook
Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto (Democrat)
• Secaucus office: 201-770-1303
• Prieto on Twitter @VincentPrieto
• Prieto on Facebook
Assemblyman Jon M. Bramnick (Republican)
• Westfield Office: (908) 232-2073
• Bramnick on Twitter @JonBramnick
• Bramnick on Facebook
The Office of the New Jersey State Republicans
Join me on Twitter in the fight against it. Use hashtag #nogastax and tag me @billspadea and New Jersey 101.5 @nj1015.
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