Senator says court scolded NJ lawmakers on gun law
After a federal court granted a temporary restraining order against the New Jersey law that places extensive restrictions on concealed firearms carried in sensitive locations, state Sen. Jon Bramnick from the 21st Legislative District called into my New Jersey 101.5 show to discuss.
"Very rarely do you see a district court, basically scold the state of New Jersey's legislature," says Bramnick. "The defense wanted to present arguments later but the judge was no, you're supposed to have those arguments before you pass the law."
"And the judge basically said," said Bramnick, "this was so bad that you wrote, it's so unconstitutional, that we're not even going to enforce it. We're going to issue a temporary restraining order against this law."
So where is Bramnick on guns?
"I'm a common sense gun guy. I don't believe in new machine guns, AK, I don't believe in any of that." says Bramnick "And you should have background checks."
"When the Supreme Court says that you have to give a concealed carry permit. And then New Jersey says, Yeah, here it is. But you can't use it. That's not common sense. You have to write a law that's constitutional. And the court just threw it out. Out, goodbye."
There's another part to this that Senator Bramnick brought up.
"One other issue. So let's assume that before this law went into effect, that a woman was being threatened by her husband, and she was able to get a concealed carry, meaning that she met that incredible standard of imminent harm."
"This law took away that right that this woman had before even the old law was in effect. So in essence, they took the gun away, even from someone who proved to a superior court judge that they were under imminent threat of harm, so they went way too far. And that's the problem of government. It's extremist. And when you're extremist, even the courts go na I'm sorry, that's no good."
The law may have satisfied the polls but it shocked the court.
"What they decided to do was do something that's political," says Bramnick "because it probably polls well to pass a law that restricts concealed carry."
"So they looked at the polls, maybe 70%, in New Jersey, say, hey, you know, we don't want people carrying guns. So they passed this quickly. But yes, politically, maybe it sells well in the polls, but it didn't sell well. And, of course, I'm saying that the court basically was shocked at how unconstitutional this bill was."
So what now?
"What they want is no, no guns." says Bramnick "And Supreme Court already said that's out. So what they're going to try to do, I assume is make the application process extremely difficult. And I don't have a problem with training. I really believe people carry guns, you should have a lot of training. So that's what I would support and maybe that's what the Democrats will eventually do."
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise only. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.
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