Phil Murphy knows he can’t defund the police (Opinion)
In case you haven't noticed, 'Givernor' Murphy has aligned himself with some far left radical people and ideas.
This past week, we've seen horrific violence and destruction in cities and states around the country. Thankfully not much of any of that has happened here, as people in many New Jersey towns have protested peacefully over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. One of the rallying cries throughout the nation in the past few days is to "defund the police."
You can't imagine what would happen if we got rid of cops. They're the only thing between us and utter chaos. The thought is absurd, but real people and even some in power are agreeing with it, astonishingly enough. I've had my share of disagreements with police, police practices and training over the years here in New Jersey. But getting rid of them? The thought of it is terrifying in light of what we've seen this week.
Murphy has gotten away with some of his absurd ideas in practice already, like raising taxes on an already-overtaxed state, declaring us a "sanctuary state" and shutting down businesses and shutting up the people who want their liberty and livelihoods back. But defund the police?! He knows he can't even suggest that he's ever thought for a second about that — because the police and other public unions are the only reason he got elected. He bought them as he was buying his way into office.
Without the police, he has NO chance of getting re-elected for a second term. His attorney general did float the idea of "licensing" the police, to ensure we don't have any bad cops on the streets. The way you do that is not through licensing, but through leadership. He doesn't have that quality. And unfortunately for him, he couldn't buy any of that on his way into ruining our lives. It will be interesting to see if the impotent, dishonest media will even throw that question at him. He'll use his usual deflection to avoid answering and then point to another reporter hoping for another softball from his own teammates in his party. We will be watching to see how he handles that question, if it ever comes up. And so with the police in New Jersey.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy. Any opinions expressed are Dennis' own.
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