POLL: Do you want Chris Christie to be the next president?
POLL: Do you want Chris Christie to be the next president?
POLL: Do you want Chris Christie to be the next president?
As of this writing, the top RNC fundraiser is stepping down from his position and is poised to join a Christie in ’16 campaign. Or so the pundits say. I have yet to hear the State of the State, but I’m waiting to see just how the Governor is going to spin how he's done since the last State of the State - and whether or not we're better off than we were a year ago...
WATCH: Amazing Seattle dog rides mass transit alone
WATCH: Amazing Seattle dog rides mass transit alone
WATCH: Amazing Seattle dog rides mass transit alone
Imagine you're taking mass transit and a passenger comes to sit next to you. It happens to commuters all the time. But what if that person who wanted to sit on the seat next to you was a dog? Yep, that's exactly happens in Seattle where a very trained dog, a Black Lab hops the bus and takes it to the local dog park all by herself...

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