In New Jersey, we’re used to seeing deer on the side of the road, especially in rutting season when they’re so ready to go that they are likely to dart out in front of cars only to end up getting hit.

But I’ve never seen one like this.

A white-tailed deer
Credit: EEI_Tony

Over the weekend, my neighbors woke up to find a dead deer in their yard. Seemingly it had been shot and stumbled over next to their backyard shed to find its resting place.

I don’t know who would have done this, or where, but I do know there was a deer that bled out mere feet from my bedroom window.

White-tailed deer posing in autumn
Credit: Rick_Thompson

The cops were called and they moved the carcass into the street for it to eventually be picked up… but others got to it before any professionals could.

Now I’m no stranger to deer carcasses, I drive rt 195 every day. Hell, I’ve even been responsible for one of them (although technically IT hit ME, so I don’t feel sorry).

Here's the dummy that hit me a few years ago (still bitter).

Kylie Moore photo
Kylie Moore photo

But I’ve never seen one disappear quite like this.

Within hours turkey vultures were swarming this poor doe, at any given time I witnessed well over a dozen of them pecking at it with many others looking on either in trees on on top of nearby houses.

Kylie Moore / TSM
Kylie Moore / TSM

Alfred Hitchcock himself would have been in awe of the bird action I saw.

In less than 48 hours, these birds did such a number on this poor dead deer that it was nothing but bones. Just take a look…

Kylie Moore / TSM
Kylie Moore / TSM

I mean, seriously, this looks like it belongs in the elephant boneyard in The Lion King.

(And it’s likely to give me just as many nightmares)

Kylie Moore / TSM
Kylie Moore / TSM

I’ve never seen a carcass get picked apart so fast, maybe we should hire these turkey vultures to clean up 195!

LOOK: Here are the states where you are most likely to hit an animal

Hitting an animal while driving is a frightening experience, and this list ranks all 50 states in order of the likelihood of such incidents happening, in addition to providing tips on how to avoid them.

Gallery Credit: Dom DiFurio & Jacob Osborn

States with the most registered hunters

Stacker analyzed data from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to determine which states have the most registered hunters. Read on to see how your state ranks on Stacker’s list.

Gallery Credit: Meagan Drillinger

WATCH OUT: These are the deadliest animals in the world

The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5's Kylie Moore. Any opinions expressed are Kylie's own. You can follow Kylie on Instagram.
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