NJ Judges Need to Pay Fair Share, Says Governor Chris Christie [AUDIO]
Governor Chris Christie is calling on New Jersey residents to support a measure on the November ballot to force judges to pay a more for pension and health benefits.
The State Supreme Court has ruled it violates the State Constitution to ask judges to pay more for their benefits.
During his latest town hall meeting in Washington Township, Christie told an overflow crowd, "Lets amend the Constitution to say it's okay for judges to have to pay their fair share for their pensions and health benefits - we all passed that Constitutional amendment - but it's not final till you vote on it- the only way we amend our Constitution in New Jersey is - you do it - on the ballot."
He said the Question number 2 on the ballot is "Do you think the judges should pay their fair share - should they pay their fair share? I'm telling you something, if you people don't vote yes, I am hunting you all down personally."
The crowd laughed and applauded as Christie said "Everybody should pay their fair share, it's a pretty simple principal - and one we all live by every day, we should continue to do it - everybody should pay their fair share- so I hope you vote for yes on question number two."