Experts are warning once again about the hazards of so-called, "second-hand tv" on development in young children.

'Second-hand TV describes just playing the set in the home and exposing the very young to its sensory barrage without any discrimination of what's on and what the child is seeing and hearing. The latest warning from the American Academy of Pediatrics talks about the developmental harm, especially for language.

Morristown child expert Doctor Steven Tobias says many parents have already heard copious warnings about harmful internet exposure. Tobias says he thinks that we need to approach Television watching with the same care we are aware of with other forms of media. He agrees the very young have minds that are like sponges and are quite capable of absorbing a great deal of sensory information, both good and bad.

Tobias says the very young need frequent interaction with parents that's unfettered by the kind of distraction non-stop TV can be in the home. Tobias says parent/child interactions are crucial during the early years.

And it is not only the child who is distracted. Experts says the blaring Tv can also reduce the parents' ability to monitor and interact with the child.

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