The absurdity of another major announcement as we enter Day 414 of 15 to stop the spread is not lost on most people now. Given the traffic around the state this weekend, even back ups in and out in NYC, seems most have already returned to normal. For our part, two super spreader events, both with more than 60 people, no masks, no distance, no proof of vaccine or the ridiculous PCR test. Just normal.

The contrast with what the government is saying with what people are doing is striking. Remember, the virus was almost gone across the country with 5 out of 6 Americans NOT vaccinated. Now in NJ, the so-called "metrics" are showing the same thing with 2 out of 3 NJ residents NOT vaccinated. Clearly, what we've been saying for many months is true. The virus, like every other seasonal clod/flu virus, simply ran it's course. All of the panic over community spread was nothing more than a normal seasonal virus that will be back again next year.

The panic was driven in part by a desperate media looking for clicks, ears and eyeballs by fanning the flames of your fear. Endless testing of healthy people showing a metric to justify irresponsible policies which clearly did more harm than good. Highlighting personal stories of sick people to paint a picture of gloom and doom, even though most hospitalizations were about what is expected EVERY flu season. In states like Florida, Tennessee, Texas, and many others across the country, they just decided the pandemic was over, stopped testing everyone and let those who wanted a vaccine get one. And in all cases, no spike in disease, no spike in hospitalizations, not even a spike in cases.

The good news is that I've been saying this for more than a year and many voices are rising to the occasion to push back. Here's a good read in the NY Post about kids taking off the mask. And another showing the tragedy of the lockdowns. For me personally, I stood firm throughout, refusing to wear a mask and participate in the "safety theater" that actually served to make NJ residents weaker in the face of a real virus. There's a reason why states that did not lock down the way NJ did, or opened up a few weeks after "15 days to stop the spread" had fewer deaths and much lower numbers of sickness and hospitalizations.

Outside of what we are doing in NJ, clearly the rest of the country, especially south of Richmond and west of Harrisburg, are back to 2018 normal. Let’s just hope that the lawsuits pop up against companies and local and state governments so this never happens again.

The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Spadea. Any opinions expressed are Bill's own. Bill Spadea is on the air weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m., talkin’ Jersey, taking your calls at 1-800-283-1015.

NJ towns that actually cut property taxes in 2020

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