Mobile Trader Joe’s?! This NJ April Fool’s joke is a heart-breaker
How many times have you wished for your favorite store to open up a location that's closer to home? In New Jersey, Trader Joe's is a consistent wish-list topper. With 13 locations statewide, the grocery chain known for its exclusive items and Hawaiian shirt-wearing staff has a very devout following of shoppers.
So you can imagine the adrenaline rush felt by a bunch of Jersey residents heading into the weekend, who saw a headline about Trader Joe's Mobile. A "world-wide launch" program planned for one Monmouth County town.
NOT cool, Marlboro!
I'll admit it, the township got me hook, line and sinker. Mostly due to wishful thinking I guess. At first glance, I started dreaming of Trader Joe's coffee and Joe Joe's sandwich cookies and trail mix being delivered to my doorstep. Then, suspicion grew after seeing the quote from a resident dubbed I. Pyrite. (That's the shortened, scientific name for fool's gold!)
Mayor Jon Hornik says the dateline is another subtle clue, as it gives a nod to April First while being launched a few days early. Hornik is enjoying the joke's instant viral attention. He adds it's nice that residents seem to believe enough in the town's track record that they'd think this 'mobile' idea could actually be achieved. (Marlboro scored its own Whole Foods in 2014, that grocery chain's 11th store in New Jersey).
Maybe West Coast-based Trader Joe's will see the ferocious attention this stunt got and will reconsider their 'expansion plan.' Until then, you'll have to excuse the bummed locals. As one resident explained in a Facebook comment, "you don't joke about TJ's!"
Proud Jersey Girl Erin Vogt’s first reporting gig involved her Fisher Price tape recorder. As a wife and momma of two kiddies, she firmly believes that life’s too short to drink bad coffee. A fan of the beach, Dave Grohl and karma, in no particular order.
Follow her on Twitter and on Facebook as ProudJersey.
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