Joke about killing the president gets committee member in hot water
You probably don't know the name Chris Emrich. He's a member of the Camden County Democratic Committee. And some are demanding he resign over a joke he made on Twitter.
At least he calls it a joke.
On Twitter, an exchange was underway about The Lincoln Project. That's a group of Republican leaders who were so dissatisfied with Trump that they were actually backing Biden for president. After someone referred to it as the "Stinkin' Project", Emrich responded with the joke, "need a John Wilkes Booth project imo."
State Senator James Beach is that committee's chairman. He called it "disgraceful and dangerous" and is calling for Emrich's "immediate resignation." He's also calling for local and federal law enforcement to investigate the matter, which would realistically come under the purview of the Secret Service.
At the same time, Beach tells courierpostonline.com, "While we do not support President Trump or his disastrous administration, the idea that someone would apparently threaten the life of a sitting President, regardless of party, is unconscionable, dangerous, and antithetical to our democratic values," he said.
Emrich maintains this was only a joke.
"Like a lot people, I've been stressed out following the election and I made a stupid joke. I'm going to own it," he's quoted on nj.com. "I made a dumb joke on Twitter. I'm embarrassed. It's something I'm not proud of."
But he's had issues with Beach. He says Beach ignored his requests to demand the resignation of another committee member who Emrich says assaulted a woman and ignored requests to investigate allegations that another member had recruited a bogus candidate to run in an election.
So it sounds like he's not taking the demands to resign too much to heart.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski. Any opinions expressed are Jeff Deminski's own.
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