Is NJ too stupid or too scared to know Murphy’s shutdown is wrong? (Opinion)
For the THIRTEENTH month in a row now, Gov. Phil Murphy has exercised his emergency powers and continued his executive orders to rule the state single-handedly. When asked about it at one of his tri-weekly dog and pony show performance on Wednesday, Murphy said he doesn't know when he'll return power back to where it belongs — in the hands of the peoples' representatives.
Even Democrats like Senate President Steve Sweeney are calling for him to ease up on his one-person rule. His arrogance and hubris along with his ineptitude and lack of understanding of his role and the normal functions of government is breathtaking. He said the state of emergency and the health emergency, "allows us to do a lot more than we normally could for those people."
"Those people" that he is talking about are the hundreds of thousands of hard-working, taxpaying citizens that he displaced from their jobs or who've lost loved ones in a nursing home due to his decisions early on. He said, "they're much more focused on somebody that has died in their family or sick or they've lost their job or they lost their business and the want to know what we're doing for them."
What he should have been doing for them is to make sure the hospitals were equipped and staffed, which they were no thanks to him, and allow people to be free. Free to make their own decisions on whether or not to go to work or not.
His heavy-handed government overreach, as it always does, created a huge crisis, and now he wants to use more government to fix it. And more government means more of your hard-earned money.
So, I repeat, is most of the state too stupid or too scared to know this is wrong?!
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy. Any opinions expressed are Dennis's own.
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