I was outside in front of the State House in Trenton, NJ this morning when for the first time I actually read a posted sign that gives a little timeline of events in the state’s history. It turns out that in the 1600s Europeans arrived in what is now New Jersey and met natives who called themselves Lenape which in their language means “genuine people.” Evidently they weren’t “genuine” enough for the Europeans who said, “Lenape. That’s nice, but we’re going to call you Delaware Indians.” I’m paraphrasing.

I’m sure the Lenape were not thrilled with the arbitrary name change, but taken in the context of everything the Europeans did after that it probably ranks pretty low their list of complaints.

Some perspective. For argument’s sake let’s say your name is Robert and you’re home tonight watching an NCAA Sweet 16 game on TV in your living room (hopefully Indiana beating Kentucky. Go Hoosier!). You’re minding your own business when a group of people from overseas walks into your house and they ask you your name. You say, “Bob” and they say, “Yeah, we’re going to call you Al.” That’s just the start of your troubles.

Your foreign visitors, who you think are guests, decide they’re going to live in your house with you. When you object, they say, “Listen Al, it is what it is. Don’t sweat it. We’re not going to be living in your house with you for very long anyway because we’re going to kick you out and live here without you.”  

Grant that sounds kind of far-fetched, but then again………..

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