I've used mediators to help settle complicated legal matters in the past. It helps expedite the process that can become really lengthy if traditionally adjudicated due to the shortage of judges. I also found it to be easier and less confrontational, because the whole mediation process is driven by finding a resolution.

You may have heard about mediation and arbitration. They are both forms of alternative dispute resolution, but they are a little different. With arbitration, decisions and rulings are made with an assigned "winner" and "loser," while mediation simply works toward an acceptable agreement for both sides. The mediator remains neutral but guides the process; the resulting settlement is ultimately approved by a judge in court.

Mediators can help with a wide variety of business and personal disputes, including divorce, family law, business dealings, property disputes, and workplace and contract issues.

When choosing a mediator with a law firm, you'll want to select someone with experience and a strong track record in cases like yours. You'll want to feel comfortable interacting with the mediator and their office, and you'll want to choose someone whose approach aligns with yours.

Pictured from left: Hon. John A. Jorgensen, Shaun I. Blick, and Hon. Bradley J. Ferencz, J.S.C. (ret.) Credit: blicklaw.com
Pictured from left: Hon. John A. Jorgensen, J.S.C. (ret.),  Shaun I. Blick, Esq., and Hon. Bradley J. Ferencz, J.S.C. (ret.) Credit: blicklaw.com

I'd suggest scheduling a free consultation with Blick Law, which has several neutrals with the unique experience in practice to handle virtually any disputed issue. To highlight a few of them:

  • Hon. John A. Jorgensen, J.S.C. (ret.) served for more than 15 years as a Superior Court Judge in Middlesex County in the Family Division.
  • Hon. Bradley J. Ferencz, J.S.C. (ret.) spent more than 40 years combined as a litigator and a judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey.
  • Shaun I. Blick, Esq. is the founder and Managing Member of Blick Law and a New Jersey Court Rule 1:40 qualified mediator. He regularly serves as a court-appointed neutral and privately retained mediator and arbitrator.

They all have a high level of experience you can trust as you work through personal and business matters without all the delays and headaches of the traditional court system. To learn more and schedule a consultation, visit blicklaw.com or call 848.222.3500. You'll be glad you did!

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