Governor Christie and the state's utilities are issuing a warning to parents on this All Hallows Eve.

Beware of downed trees and power lines. The Governor says the damage to the state's utilities during this past weekend's storm is worse than Hurricane Irene. Fallen limbs and accumulated snow could be hiding fallen wires, and kids might not see them on sidewalks, streets, or driveways.

Parents are being urged to take extra caution before sending the kids door-to-door, and some towns are confining trick-or-treating to daylight hours only.

A few reminders from PSE+G

-Halloween Safety: There are many downed wires in parts of our service territory. If parents permit children to trick or treat today, they should exercise extreme caution, supervise the children, and allow them to be out only during daylight hours.

-Downed wires should always be considered "live." STAY AWAY FROM ALL DOWNED LINES. Do not approach or drive over a downed line and do not touch anything with which it might be in contact. To report a downed wire or other visible equipment damage to your power provider. Provide the street address as well as the nearest cross street.

-Check on the safety of your elderly neighbors. See if they are safe and if they need extra blankets or other help. Contact local officials if assistance is needed.

- Do not try to use a gas oven or range to heat a room. The appliance will deplete oxygen from the air, causing asphyxiation or deadly carbon monoxide poisoning.

- Be cautious if using space heaters. Read and follow the manufacturer's instructions and heed warning labels. Be sure all members of the household understand how to operate space heaters safely.

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