COVID-19 shutdowns forcing many in NJ to get creative to survive
Lots of people in New Jersey and around the country were displaced from jobs or businesses due to the shutdowns following the start of the pandemic early last year. Stimulus checks and PPP funds helped a little in some cases, but not enough or not at all for others. Last week we asked people if they grow, make or sell anything on their own to make ends meet.
We were somewhat surprised at the instant and big response we got from so many people who either ramped up their production of what they'd normally sell at festivals or flea markets. Now they've moved their businesses online to places like Etsy or Facebook to sell their wares. Many who've been forced to put up their own websites, find they're selling more than they did before.
Online shopping has increased exponentially since the beginning of the pandemic and has enriched big internet marketplaces and retailers like Amazon. There is room in the economy for the small retailers and producers as well, thankfully.
Since New Jersey is the home to so many creative and talented people, the unique situation of the past years has given a not so gentle push to many to get into the game in the way the 21st century really operates, ONLINE!
If theses shutdowns and the pandemic have put you in a position to think outside the box, you're not alone. Websites like may have some ideas you haven't thought of. Good luck and do share what you're doing next time we talk about it on our show. Which will probably be soon and often.
One business I want to shout out is Impressive Custom Banners. They made us this custom Dennis and Judi banner!
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy. Any opinions expressed are Dennis's own.