Check out New Jersey’s best boardwalk for kids (Opinion)
Of all the great boardwalks the Jersey Shore has to offer, for me there is no better boardwalk to take the kids than Jenkinson's boardwalk in Point Pleasant Beach. I'm talking kids of any age!
I was reminded of that while there last Tuesday night performing comedy at Jenkinson's. I took a walk through the kiddie rides remembering when I took my twin sons, who are 15 now, on the rides with their grandfather who is no longer with us.
I remembered the smiles of all of them as they rode the train which you could never see yourself doing until you have children, Then you can't imagine not riding it.
Check out all these other great rides for kids.
They've also got a great aquarium featuring "The Magical Mermaids" on Wednesdays.
If it's games they like, try the many arcades where they can rack up points for prizes or try their luck at the cranes, which I was never good at.
When it comes to boardwalk food, no kid can turn down candy and Jenkiinsons Ice Cream and Sweet has every candy ever made, and some incredible ice cream as well.
When it comes to pizza, no trip to Point Pleasant would be complete without a slice from Joey Tomato's.
There are so many great restaurants on the Point Pleasant Boardwalk that you can find whatever you're looking for.
There's also great nightlife for the bigger kids as well.
And don't forget the "Big Joe Jersey Talent Show" every Sunday night at 7 p.m. until August 28. You can vote for your favorite right here.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise only. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.
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