Usually a junkie of pop culture, I have found myself very behind the times in recent weeks.

I am a self-admitted television junkie and music fan.  It's weird with movies because I love watching a good movie, but do not get that excited about many.  There are a few, however, such as "Moneyball" that I have not had a chance to watch just yet.

2011 has been a very strong year for television, especially with the arrival of 2 of my favorite shows of the year, "Boss" and "Homeland."  I am also very much looking forward to the start of what will be HBO's next hit series, "Luck."

The last few weeks have been so chaotic with work and holidays that I have found myself behind on some of my favorite shows, like "The Office" and "Boardwalk Empire."

While this article is not a woe is me piece about being behind on pop culture, but just emphasizing the amount of great television, movies and music currently out there.

A few albums are on my list to listen to over the next few days, including the new efforts from Snow Patrol and the Black Keys.

In these articles, if anybody ever has a suggestion of a new show to watch or band to listen to, I am all ears, and constantly on the look-out for new ones to get into.

I urge everybody to check out "Boss" and "Homeland."  Both are phenomenal shows.  Catch-up time for everything else will happen soon enough.

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