Please try to read the whole article. I know it's easier to take the headline and make your own assumptions, but give me two minutes of your time.

I tried to explain to a despondent co-worker who voted for Hillary, how I've waited 25 years for this moment. That was around the time I became politically aware since I had lost my job and was spending a lot of time looking for ways to keep my house and feed my family.

At the end of a year of taking whatever temporary job I could and depleting my savings, I got a letter from the IRS demanding $12,000. I didn't have it. They didn't care. I never asked for assistance from the government in that time and never even filed for unemployment, which I was entitled to having payed into for over 20 years. They wanted the unpaid taxes on the income that I had made to keep a roof over my family's head and food on the table.

So I started to think about where all of my tax money goes and how our government works. I started going over how and why our country was created and how it was supposed to work. I quickly realized that the government wasn't working for me and that the power elite were in complete control.

I looked into each election and how someone with vision and integrity could make real changes. I looked into "third parties" such as the Libertarian Party and became active in trying to get "outsiders" to change the system back to it's original intent and form. Like many Americans and especially New Jerseyans I became frustrated and disillusioned. Then along comes Donald J. Trump.

A man I have looked upon with disdain and distrust for many years as a playboy millionaire and obnoxious reality show host. He was my 17th choice out of 17 people running in the Republican primary, but he was an outsider. My first choice of an outsider would have been Dr. Ben Carson or businesswoman Carly Fiorina. I also liked Dr. Rand Paul who was in his first term as US Senator.

But the people chose Trump.

So it was a choice between more of the same phony, dishonest, pandering socialist leaning power hungry elite or this guy. This self aggrandizing, womanizing, narcissistic TOOL. Give me the tool!

The tool with which we may have a chance to bust up the party our government is having with our money and our liberty. We have gone so far down the wrong path that it was time to take a chance on someone so far outside the boundaries of normal "politics as usual" to try to get us back on track. Let's hope he can do it and let's hope he doesn't embarrass us too much along the way.

Sometimes when I need a screwdriver to tighten up an important screw to fix a critical thing I'm trying to fix, and I can't find one, I use a dime or my thumb nail to do the job. Sometimes any tool will do!

P.S. For all of you millennials and other emotional hemophiliacs who have taken to social media to spew your fear filled angst and hysteria. Delete all of your posts now! I'm doing you a huge favor. Do it now, so you won't get a time hop on your Facebook in two years, or have your children discover your nonsense in fifteen years and lose all respect from them and for yourself. Read up, reflect and maybe even talk to some people with more life experience than you and open YOUR mind. Aren't you the open-minded types?

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