President Trump doesn’t like off-shore windmills. If this were “The Apprentice,” he just fired them with the cobra hand.

In doing so he thanked Congressman Jeff Van Drew and congratulated New Jerseyans for winning a war.

On Truth Social, he said: “Hopefully the project is dead and gone, as almost all unsightly and environmentally unsound windmill projects should be. Congratulations to the great people of New Jersey. You have FINALLY won your war on stupidity!!!”

Hmmm. Have we though?

I mean isn’t there still plenty of stupid to go around? It feels like we will never get away from stupidity in this state.

Just a few examples:

When you are in a parking lot that is otherwise empty and the only other car pulling in parks right next to you. In that moment you know the war on stupid is far from over.


Or how about the fact that we are the only state in America with a full ban on self-serve gas? There’s a law being broken if you do what all other drivers do in the 49 other states.

Canva created photo

We keep paying our property taxes. Our outrageously unfair highest-in-the-nation property taxes. Doesn’t that tell you the war on stupid is not nearly finished?

State of the State-New Jersey

This guy is still in office. The guy who was once in a debate gave the softball question “New Jersey is the Garden State, and as such, what is your favorite fruit and vegetable?”

He answered grapefruit and broccoli like a doofus when they were practically holding his hand for him to say tomatoes and cranberries.

He said if high taxes were your issue New Jersey was not the state for you.

He so badly botched his first snowstorm he’s been over-brining ever since.

He violated his own COVID orders to get a BLM photo-op.

The fact he was elected twice and won’t be out of office for another year means we have at least another year to fight the war on stupid.

Windshield view of an angry driver man. Negative human emotions face expression

The fact we make left turns from right lanes, the fact we insist Central Jersey exists but yet can’t agree where it is, the fact people brag on their Jersey Slide prowess, the fact that we tolerate paying to walk onto a beach, and for many other reasons, New Jersey is far from winning our war against stupid.

We are living in that war every day. And frankly, I have some PTSD from it all.

UP NEXT: See how much gasoline cost the year you started driving

LOOK: Here are the states where you are most likely to hit an animal

Hitting an animal while driving is a frightening experience, and this list ranks all 50 states in order of the likelihood of such incidents happening, in addition to providing tips on how to avoid them.

Gallery Credit: Dom DiFurio & Jacob Osborn

Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.

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