Thomas Edison State University makes it easier for community college grads
Thomas Edison State University has announced guaranteed admission for community college graduates in New Jersey.
TESU President Merodie Hancock says students can complete their bachelor's degrees without jumping through a lot of hoops.
"We want to make sure that all of our students who come out of a New Jersey community college successfully complete their degree and know that they have a clear pathway," Hancock said.
"We know they (community college students) do well at Thomas Edison. So we just want to get rid of as many barriers as we can and have them know they're welcome here and it's an easy sailing pathway through the admissions process."
Thomas Edison, once dubbed by The New York Times "the college that paved the way for flexibility," will waive the application fee. Hancock has also announced the TESU/NJ 3-plus-1 Pathways Program, through which New Jersey community college students can transfer up to 90 credits and then complete the remaining 30 credits required for graduation with TESU.
After a successful launch, the university expanded the program to include more than 50 programs of study. Community college students can stay at the local school and gain up to 30 credits required for TESU graduation but pay for those credits at the community college rate.
Joe Cutter is the senior news anchor at New Jersey 101.5
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