It came up recently that the afternoon news anchor on New Jersey 101.5, Jill Croce, has never had seemingly popular foods.

First, it was a White Castle burger, we made her try that on the afternoon show.

In doing that it was discovered that she’d never had an orange. Our colleagues in the newsroom fixed that.

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While she was trying her first orange (mind you, this is a woman in her 30s!), I learned that Croce is more deprived of popular foods than I realized.

The first few that came up were shrimp, salmon, and sushi, including seafood. However, the one that caught my attention was that she’d never had steak.

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This startled others in the newsroom, but I assured her she wasn’t missing out on anything. This got me kicked out of the room.

But can we be honest…? Steak is way overrated. In my opinion, it’s only as good as the hot sauce you put on it.

We asked what other foods are overrated on the afternoon show, these are the foods that your fellow New Jerseyans came up with….

Foods New Jerseyans think are overrated

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I said what I said. It’s only as good as the sauce you put on it and it’s way overpriced. #SorryNotSorry

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This was submitted on the New Jersey 101.5 app and I have to agree with it. What is cheesecake if not almost solid pudding?

Sorry to upset you, but that’s not the stretch you think it is

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Anthony in Somerset submitted this on the New Jersey 101.5 app chat, and I have to agree. Burgers are great at a barbecue but are they all that they’re chalked up to be? No way.

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Remember in 2011 when pretty much everything was suddenly bacon-flavored? Even things like chapstick. Gross. No need. Bacon is OK when it’s done right, but it’s too tricky.

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This was a hot take I wasn’t ready for but I’m not holding back what my fellow New Jerseyans have to say. One caller claimed that pasta is just a vessel for whatever sauce is on it and that bread is better.

*Takes a deep breath* I respect your opinion but I can’t agree with it. And isn’t that what’s great about this state? We can agree to disagree.


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Avocado has been making headlines in the last decade. Is avocado toast worth the hype? Not really but it’s a fine snack.

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Pretty much the entire afternoon drive team (Me, Jeff, Rick… the jury is still out on Croce… is this another food she hasn’t had?) agreed that lobster is just a vehicle for butter.

(For the record: not complaining)

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Pork Roll

This hot take came in from Ian in Lincroft, he calls it “EXTREMELY” overrated. He even questions how people can enjoy it.

Yet he claims to be a New Jerseyan. VERY bold, Ian.

New Jersey’s most popular fast food restaurants

Gallery Credit: Kylie Moore

NJ fast food: If you don't have these apps, you're losing money

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Gallery Credit: Judi Franco/New Jersey 101.5

The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5's Kylie Moore. Any opinions expressed are Kylie's own. You can follow Kylie on Instagram.
Click here to contact an editor about feedback or a correction for this story.

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