Should someone this filled with prejudice towards a group that will surely be among any student body she has contact with ever be allowed to teach again?
Viki Knox, the Union County school teacher who created a media frenzy last year for her anti-gay remarks on Facebook, is now looking to retire rather than face tenure charges.
Viki Knox, the public school teacher who tears apart homosexuality on her Facebook page cannot possibly be trusted to fairly implement NJ’s new anti-bullying agenda when applied to a gay or lesbian student victim, and therefore should be terminated...
Cultural sea-changes are painfully slow to absorb. Homosexuality, defined as "sexual attraction toward others of the same sex," has been since the dawn of human culture one of the most strict of taboos.
Tempers flared outside Union Township High School where a teacher was the subject of a gay rights protest after she allegedly posted anti-gay remarks on her Facebook page.