Ticket and arrest quotas were already barred in New Jersey, though such data could still be used as part of a performance evaluation – but not anymore.
Assembly panel unanimously endorses the change, despite objections from reform groups. It wouldn't apply in some cases, including deaths and serious injury.
Unanimous ruling upholds Attorney General Gurbir Grewal directives making public names and summaries of major discipline. A judge will decide on past cases.
First changes in 20 years to the use-of-force policy, which also limit high-speed chases, take effect at the start of 2022, after training is complete.
A law enacted in May reducing the maximum capacity of ammunition magazines in N.J. prompted some departments to block cops from carrying guns off-duty.
NJ State Police union President Patrick Colligan was staying in Las Vegas at the Mandalay Bay when a gunman opened fire on concert goers, killing at least 50 people.