Our continuing coverage of the PARCC testing controversy in New Jersey schools.
NJ plan: Skip 10th grade standardized tests, add geometry to math exam
Starting in a few years, state standardized tests won't be given to sophomores, but graduation tests for juniors will include geometry as well as Algebra I.
To pass NJ's new science assessments, score of 57% may suffice
Cut scores for the new NJSLA-Science are still being finalized. For middle- and high-school students, scores below 60% may be deemed proficient.
PARCC's replacement won't arrive until 2021 – or 2023, for some
The replacement of the tests formerly known as PARCC with an entirely new assessment probably won’t be complete in Gov. Phil Murphy’s four-year term.
Report: NJ students improving on tests, so don't change too much
JerseyCAN calls widespread gains on state standardized tests evidence N.J. shouldn't step away from rigorous exams as it replaces what used to be called PARCC.
NJ extends high school graduation options through Class of 2022
Graduation rules in place for the current senior and junior classes will be extended to all current high school students, keeping tests like the SAT an option.
Should New Jersey end its high school graduation exam?
Lawmakers are now considering a commission that would take up to 18 months to recommend next steps for graduation rules and high-stakes testing.
Deal reached on graduation rules for N.J. seniors and juniors
The state and groups that successfully sued over high school standardized testing reached an agreement clarifying graduation rules for 2019 & 2020.
NJ moves to keep old graduation rules – but for how many classes?
Midway through a long process to revamp graduation testing, the Murphy administration is working to temporarily protect a system it ultimately wants to change.
NJ might change law to make overturned PARCC rules valid
To make sure graduation isn't disrupted for high schools seniors, legislators look to adjust state law so that overturned graduation rules become compliant.
Guns, immigration, taxes: Promises Phil Murphy kept (and didn't)
The bear hunt is still here. Some taxes are going up. And PARCC is still with us.