Ocean Grove

Ocean Grove Back on Track
Ocean Grove Back on Track
Ocean Grove Back on Track
An historic, privately-owned, religiously-affiliated beachfront community in Monmouth County calls FEMA's reversal of an earlier decision to reject their disaster funding request a huge victory.
Which Jersey Shore Boardwalk Would You Miss the Most?
Which Jersey Shore Boardwalk Would You Miss the Most?
Which Jersey Shore Boardwalk Would You Miss the Most?
As shore communities struggle to get back on their feet in time for Memorial Day, the delay in Sandy relief funds from the Federal Government could hamper those efforts…thereby putting a crimp in the economy of those communities, not to mention the pleasure so many of us have derived from just being on the boardwalks...
NJ Beach Water – Better Than Some –Worse Than Others [POLL]
NJ Beach Water – Better Than Some –Worse Than Others [POLL]
NJ Beach Water – Better Than Some –Worse Than Others [POLL]
Overall, how would you rate New Jersey’s beaches, and in particular, the water? First off, nothing compares to the blue waters of the Mediterranean or the Caribbean. That’s clearly not what we have here. Instead, I’d classify it as an “army greenish” hue...
Kirk Cameron To Visit Ocean Grove – Gays Not Happy [POLL]
Kirk Cameron To Visit Ocean Grove – Gays Not Happy [POLL]
Kirk Cameron To Visit Ocean Grove – Gays Not Happy [POLL]
Kirk Cameron - hate monger? Pinhead sitcom star from back in the day, perhaps; but hate monger? Nah! It’s a little hard to take anything he has to say seriously. However, his proposed visit to the normally-tolerant community of Ocean Grove is being met with a loud outcry...
New Jersey’s Best Beach [POLL]
New Jersey’s Best Beach [POLL]
New Jersey’s Best Beach [POLL]
Never too soon to start thinking about the summer. Especially since temperatures will hit 60 tomorrow. So with that in mind, which town along the 127 miles of shoreline has the best beach. For the past 3 out of 4 years, members of the "One Oh One Five Familia" have chosen Wildwood to be the champ...